Never look back. Walk tall, act fine.
Last Sunday, S and I went down to Castroville to check out Succulent Gardens. I cannot believe I've been in Santa Cruz for more than a decade, and have not been to, let alone heard of this place until now.
It was a nice, lazy Sunday morning, but we made a commitment to get out of the house. I worked my butt off to finish everything I needed to do on Saturday to save the whole of Sunday for succulent-palooza. I was not disappointed.
Out front they had little garden plots that had cute names that I cannot recall now.
Inside their greenhouses, they had everything. Little succulent arrangements, babies, pups, fully-grown succulents. Succulents with spines, succulents that crawl. I think we were there for a couple of hours, going down every aisle of succulent.
We bought a bunch for the house. When S goes off to Norway, I don't know how they will survive with my mad plant skillz.
More babies!
All kinds!
Little ones that look like trees!
After all of this, we went to the giant artichoke restaurant and had a bunch of fried artichokes. And then we went back to Santa Cruz and went to another succulent store and bought even more succulents. Good day, succulent-palooza.
The Perils of Double-unders
When folks see me come from the gym and they say, "whoa look at that dude. His arms are cut!" I like to think it's not because of the welts on my arms from failing at double-unders. Truth is I do have welts and double-unders are terribly painful if you fail at them.
5 burpees, 10 renegade rows, 15 situps, 20 double-unders.
Really simple workout.
What do I know about ATL?
As I prepare to head to Atlanta for the first time in my adult life (that's a pretty long time), I realize I know very little about the town. I figure that I should start learning about the place, if I'm going to be visiting there more often. So what do I know?
- There is a basketball team. 'Nique played for them and I liked him a lot, especially that time he beat Jordan for the slam dunk championship. Spud Webb also played for them. Spud (#4 in the Hawks uniform) is a hero for all short people with NBA dreams.
- There are apparently a lot of peach trees in town, and it seems like each of these trees has a road named after it.
- Do not call the place Hotlanta. That's like calling San Francisco Frisco. I prefer Mylanta myself, but that's just me.
- The Gone With the Wind style ballrooms all burned down during the Civil War.
- I learned from that TV show about virginity and property buying on HGTV that there's a perimeter, and you're either in or out of it.
- Aside from Outkast, there are no other good hip hop artists from Atlanta.
- There are hotdogs at a place called the Varsity.
- Zombies.
- The city rail system is a marvel of modernist simplicity and minimalism.
- I will order Pepsi when I go there just to see what people say when I do.
More later, as I learn stuff.
First Workout of the Season
This workout goes like the Christmas carol. We start with the one turkish getup per side. That's round one. On each successive round we progress to the next exercises, but also have to do all prior exercises in reverse order. So once we hit round five, we have to do 5 kettle bell cleans, 4 v-ups, 3 wallballs, 2 burpees and 1 turkish getup per side.
We have fifteen minutes to do this all. And if we don't, then we are absolute scum.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
1 Turkish Getup (both sides)
2 Burpees
3 Wallballs
4 V-Ups
5 Double Kettle Bell Cleans
6 Pull Ups
7 Thrusters
8 Kettle Bell Swings
9 Double Unders
10 Box Jumps
11 Squats
12 Lunges
Death by burpee
So Death By Burpee took place after a warm up that included a five minute wall sit (failure means you have to take a 100m sprint the return to the wall sit).
The first workout was just progressive straight pull-ups for 10 minutes.
And then Death by Burpee.
Starting with six burpees in one minute, we had to do progressively more burpees, adding one burpee per minute. This went on for a max of fifteen minutes. Rest period only occurs when you finish doing the required number of burpees for that minute. So potentially we would be doing 21 burpees a minute by the end. But of course that's pretty much impossible. I was able to do up to sixteen in a minute, but by that time I was pretty much a wreck and after that round I could do just 7-10 a minute. Supposedly, after failure, the workout says that your required number of burpees is to subtract one burpee per minute but to be honest, after hitting failure I would just do whatever I could do.
Five flavors for my birthday... And burpees are the answer
The flavors:
1) Buttercream mint
2) Mojito sorbet
3) Chocolate brownie
4) Strawberry balsamic cardamom cream
5) Basil
Hit the jump for more.
The buttercream mint was a rehash of an ice cream I made for Lindsey's birthday. It is based on a recipe by Jeni Britton Bauer, who apparently makes the best ice cream in Cleveland. The first time I made it, it was somewhat of a departure for me. I have always made custard-based ice creams. Britton Bauer's recipes are different because she doesn't use traditional ingredients for her base. Instead, the source of fat in her work comes from cream cheese. Additionally, the cloying sweetness and consistency of the ice cream is also derived from... wait for it... light corn syrup. For this reason, I was reluctant to serve this ice cream, given the fact that most of my peers are at least conscious of the perils of high fructose corn syrup. Britton Bauer uses cream cheese and corn syrup because this kind of base produces a more consistent texture that is easy to scoop and doesn't harden too much. I am dubious of these claims. Perhaps in a mass-production environment use of such ingredients may be more efficient and may produce more consistent results. But in small-batch home environments, use of more natural ingredients may generate tastier results. We shall see when I reproduce this recipe in the future using my more traditional base-- incidentally I have settled on the ice cream base produced by San Francisco's Bi-Rite creamery, and published in their truly awesome ice cream cook book, Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones.
Because I could not find the proper ingredients for the buttercream mint this time around, I felt that the flavoring was a little bit off. When I initially produced it for Lindsey's party, everybody raved about it. It paired wonderfully with some grilled peaches. But this time, for some reason, during the flavoring part of the process, when I was supposed to drop a few mint essence drops into the ice cream mixture, and a few natural butter flavor drops into the mix, I kept on hitting the churning paddle with the drops, and not the mix. For this reason, the flavoring didn't really get integrated into the product. Oh well. But people liked it. I have to tell my friends that it was so much better the first time around. What the heck. I thought it was a failure.
The mojito sorbet was my vegan option. I used this recipe from It turned out wonderfully. Everyone, vegans and non-vegans alike, liked it.
The chocolate brownie was an adaptation of the chocolate ice cream recipe found in the Bi-Rite Creamery cook book. Serious Eats reviewed the recipe here. I agree with the reviewer from Serious Eats and will say that this must be the best chocolate ice cream recipe I have ever tasted. They used Hershey's Cocoa in their attempt. I used high quality Green and Black cocoa, which Leslie gave me a long, long time ago, for my version, and it was just amazing. For good measure I tossed in about a cup and a half of brownie crumbles. Because I was pressed for time, I didn't make brownies from scratch. Instead, I relied on the tried and tested Trader Joe's Truffle Brownie Mix, which Wei tossed in the oven for me after she got through mixing the mix up). Always been a fan of the old TJ's brownies. Everybody loved this particular ice cream. Bi-Rite's recipe is truly amazing, and the brownies really kicked the ice cream chocolatey-ness up many, many notches. I will make this again.
Strawberry cardamom has always been one of my go-to flavors in ice cream making. This time around, inspired by the stellar results from the Bi-Rite chocolate ice cream, I decided to adapt my strawberry cardamom to include some of the Bi-Rite mojo. I have long been a fan of their strawberry balsamic, which I get whenever I'm in SF. The strawberry balsamic cardamom cream I made was a mash-up of my own recipe and Bi-Rites. And I present it below. This was a more complex strawberry. The balsamic is bright. The cardamom gives it a nice underlying spiciness, as if it snuck in through the back door. The strawberries I used came from Santa Cruz's Swanton Berry Farms. It's getting late in strawberry season, but theirs are still about the sweetest strawberries I've ever eaten.
Strawberry Balsamic Cardamom Cream
1 1/2 pints of fresh strawberries, hulled and halved
2 teaspoons of balsamico
2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup of sugar
1 3/4 cups heavy cream
3/4 cups whole milk
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
8 pods cardamom, crushed
1 vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise, beans scraped
2 teaspoons of balsamico
1. In a medium sauce pan over medium heat, mix together strawberries, 2 teaspoons of balsamico and 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir frequently until strawberries are soft and the liquid they release reduces somewhat. 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. If you can put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, even better.
2. In a medium bowl beat together 1/4 cups of sugar and 5 egg yolks. Set aside.
3. In a medium sauce pan over medium heat, mix together rest of sugar, milk, cream, the cardamom and the vanilla bean. Bring liquid to a slight simmer. When the bubbles start forming around the edges, remove the cream mixture from the heat and let the spices infuse, by covering the pan and letting it be for about 20-30 minutes.
4. After infusion, temper the eggs with the warm milk mixture by mixing a half a cup of the milk mixture into the beaten egg yolks. Once the egg yolks have warmed enough, whisk the eggs back into the cream mixture, placing the mixture over medium heat until custard forms. This should take an additional 1-2 minutes, until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon. Once the custard forms, remove from heat and chill the mixture. I use an ice bath. Pour the custard into a medium bowl, straining the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to make sure the custard is nice and smooth. Set the bowl into a larger bowl filled with water and ice. Chill for up to two hours.
5. When ready to churn, pour the set aside strawberry mix into the custard, mixing until everything is well blended. Add the two remaining teaspoons of balsamico to the mix.
6. Churn in ice cream maker, following you ice cream maker's directions.
The basil ice cream is a direct application of Bi-Rite's basil ice cream recipe. It was good. Different. Good.
All in all, a good time was had by all. Karaoke followed, and hilarity ensued. Fatness also ensued.
And so today my workout, courtesy of the good people of Toadal Fitness, was particularly challenging. I LIKED IT.
Burpee AMRAP Hell
25 minutes AMRAP
- 10 one arm kettlebell swings (L)
- 10 burpees
- 10 one arm kettlebell swings (R)
- 10 burpees
- 100 meter farmer walk with the heaviest kettle bells you can do
- 10 burpees
- 250 meter run
- 10 burpees
Run for the hills
250 meter run
20 snatches (l)
250 meter run
20 snatches (r)
250 meter run
20 burpees
250 meter run
20 thrusters (l)
250 meter run
20 thrusters (r)
250 meter run
20 jump lunges
250 meter run
20 kettlebell swings (l)
250 meter run
20 kettlebell swings (r)
250 meter run
20 jump squats
250 meter run
This is one of my favorites. Variations are cool too.
Coffee, or tea, or be with me?
I return from my blogging hiatus to post this little video.
And to help others understand the intricacies of Lisa Gail Allred's conditions, I made the diagram below.
I hope this helps clear things up. Have a good day.
National Burger Month 05/11/2011: Inside-Out Salmon Cheeseburgers
You can do what you wish with your fatty patty of salmon. I topped mine with tomato and microgreens, and had it in English muffins. Oh, yes.
National Burger Month 05/10/2011: Ugh
I did have one of em grocery store fish burgers to prepare...
National Burger Month 05/09/2011: Veggie Burger with Beef Topping
National Burger Month 05/08/2011: Lamb Burger with Harissa and Yogurt
National Burger Month 05/07/2011: On Repeat
National Burger Month 05/06/2011: Chorizo Burger with Pico
I was originally going to do this burger on the fifth of May, for obvious reasons, but I ended up getting my act together the day after. This was inspired by a comment my cousin Jon left on my Facebook page about a burger he made for a bunch of his friends.
edit: I also slathered on some Philly cream cheese on the burgers after grilling. Could've used farmer's cheese, but the Philly was such a good contrasting saltiness to the spiciness of the burgers. So creamy, so good.